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تعريف بيتا من شركة NVIDIA يسرع إداء كرت الشاشة NGO NVIDIA Optimized Driver v1.16369


كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم

NGO NVIDIA Optimized Driver v1.16369



برنامج يقوم برفع إداء كروت الشاشة من شركة NVIDIA وهو منتج من الشركة نفسها

The NGO NVIDIA Optimized Driver is a modified version of the NVIDIA ForceWare driver. The main purpose is to satisfy the users with better performance, image quality and compatibility. The NGO NVIDIA Optimized Driver can enhance your experience in games, multimedia and general usage. This project is especially suited for enthusiasts and gamers that want to have the best gaming experience.
This driver includes NVIDIA's new Control Panel. We’ve preferred to include the new Control Panel over the old one due to flexibility and stability reasons. The Driver has support for all GeForce/Quadro cards – including mobile series (Go) as well. This driver has a special compatibility mode option that provides better stability, and workaround for some known bugs.

Supported GPUs

* GeForce 2-8 Series
* GeForce Go Series
* Quadro Series
* GeForce/nForce IGP (Integrated GPU) Series
Supported OSes

* Windows 2000
* Windows XP
* Windows 2003
* Windows Media Center
Please, uninstall your previous driver before proceeding with this Installation. Please use the Nvidia Uninstall Utility (Control Panel > Add and Remove Programs > Nvidia Drivers) in order to Uninstall your current driver.
Important Notes
This driver has been modified and is in no way affiliated or supported by nVidia Corporation. The software available from NGOHQ.com are provided "as is" with NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT. All software is to be used at your own risk; this site does not take any responsibility for any damage in whatever form or context.
ملاحظة غير متوافق مع الفيستا



ستار جديد
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بس ممكن رابط مباشر للتحميل
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المشرف العام
مشكور علي الدرايفر وجاري تجربته

الاصدار هو تعريف بيتا BETA وسيصدر النهائي قريباً

وهو اصدار تقليدي للتعريف تم حل بعض المشاكل به

Just days after the release of 163.69 WHQL certified Vista drivers, Nvidia has released new beta's for all Windows versions.

Beta driver for GeForce FX, 6, 7, and 8 series GPUs.
Improved compatibility and performance for NVIDIA SLI™ technology on Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c and OpenGL® 2.1 applications.
Improved compatibility for The Way It’s Meant To Be Played™ game titles: BioShock, Crysis, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Hellgate: London, PT Boats: Knights of the Sea, and World in Conflict.
Added NVIDIA SLI profile for Team Fortress 2.
Added PureVideo™ HD decode acceleration for GeForce 8600, 8500 and 8400 series GPUs.
Numerous game and application compatibility fixes. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, features, driver fixes and known compatibility issues.

تاريخ الاصدار
September 21st

و اخر تعريف رسمي صدر رقمه 162.18

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