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تطبيق Google Fit v1.50.68-000 لمتابعة اللياقة البدنية للأندرويد

رائد منير

ستار جديد
Google Fit v1.50.68-000


<br>Make a healthy change in your life by becoming more active, aware and motivated.
<br>Effortlessly track your activity:
<br>• Just carry your phone and get access to your walking, running and cycling activity.
<br>Reach your fitness goals:
<br>• Set goals based on either duration or steps and see your progress throughout the day.
<br>• Receive performance-based recommendations for activity goals.
<br>A comprehensive view of your fitness:
<br>• Connect third party devices and apps to Fit and we’ll show you all of your fitness data in one place.
<br>Available everywhere:
<br>• Compatible with all Android Wear devices.
<br>• Also access Google Fit on the web at http://www.google.com/fit and on your tablet.




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