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تطبيق مجاني للاندرويد لإنعاش جهازك وتنظيف الملفات غير المرغوب فيها DU Speed


ستار جديد

اعضاء المنتدى الكرام
أحدث اصدار من برنامج تسريع جهازك الاندرويد
DU Speed Booster 2.0.5


معلومات عن البرنامج
أقدم لكم اخوانى الكرام بإصدار اليوم DU Speed Booster وهو تطبيق مجانى للاندرويد لزيادة سرعة جهازك والحفاظ على البطارية ويقوم بتحسين سرعة جهازك تصل الى 60 % اعلى من خلال التعامل الافضل مع الذاكرة العشوائية الخاصة بهاتفك وغلق التطبيقات الغير هامة وقد تمت اضافة العديد من التحسينات لهذا الاصدار منها محرك تحسين أداء الالعاب وبضغطه زر يمكنك انعاش جهازك مرة اخرى وذلك بغلق جميع التطبيقات وكأنك قمت بعمل إعادة تشغيل للنظام ومن خلال خاصية Trash Cleaner يمكنك حذف جميع الملفات المؤقتة التى تعيق من عمل جهازك على الذاكرة الخارجية SD CARD وايضا خاصية Permission Manager والتى تمكنك من حجب المكالمات وايضا الرسائل التى تحددها بنفسك مع العديد من المميزات الأخرى التى ستنال إعجابك بإذن الله .

تاريخ تحديث البرنامج : 1/9/2014


مميزات البرنامج بالانجليزية
DU Speed Booster Cleaner and Security Master Highlights
? Easy Speed Booster: With a single-touch interface that saves you time and effort.
? Junk File Cleaner: Scans every corner of your device for junk files, and cleans them to fully optimize your phone.
? Powerful Speed Booster: Increase the speed of your Android phone by up to 60%!
? Security Booster & Master: Make sure your phone is secure and protected from viruses and Trojans.
? Smart Booster: Pre-set automatic cleaning of unwanted processes and trash.

DU Speed Booster Cleaner and Security Master Features:
? GAME BOOSTER —Improve your gaming speed and experience.
- Smart recognition and manual selection of installed games.
- Concentrates system resources to support game operation, and smoothes gameplay and boosts FPS.
? SPEED ACCELERATOR—Helps you run your Android apps and play games faster than ever before!
- One-touch system speed diagnosis and acceleration. Just press the “Optimization” button or use the home screen widget.
-  Master background processes, kill tasks and disable auto-start apps   (rooted devices only) to clean up memory and boost the speed of your   system.
- Freeze unwanted apps to increase memory and speed up your phone.
? TRASH CLEANER—Clean up your Android phone and SD card junk files to increase your phone’s memory and speed!
-  Manage your phone’s cache with a single touch to delete unwanted apps   and junk files and boost your Android device’s system speed.
- Clean  up residual files left over after uninstalling apps on your  Android  phone and on your SD card to free up more storage space.
? ADVANCED APP MANAGER—Master your apps to keep your storage space clean and organized!
-  DU Speed Booster’s batch install/uninstall manager checks for  residual  files to keep your Android phone clean and running at its top  speed.
- Manage apps both on your phone’s internal store and on your SD card to increase storage space.
- Move apps and files between your phone and your SD card (App2SD) to free up memory on your Android phone.
? USEFUL SECURITY—Antivirus scanner, Permission Manager 
   - Quickly scan apps and files on your phone to protect your data from viruses and Trojans.
- Check the permissions requested by each installed app, or review apps according to categorized permissions.
-  Supports Deutsch, Espaٌol, English, Française, Português, Português  do  Brasil, P??????, Türk, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, العربية, ???????,   Ti?ng Vi?t, ???, ???, ??(??), ??(??).
As a useful device  optimizer, with the trust of hundreds million users  of DU Apps Studio,  DU Speed Booster will help you master and optimize  your background apps  tasks, memory space, and battery power, as well as  inspect apps’  permissions, through easy interface and one touch  controls. It is a  total Android phone optimization solution that  combines advanced  functionality of apps task killer, speed and ram  booster, storage (junk  and cache) analyzer, security antivirus guard  and protection master for  your phone.

What's New
Ungraded Trash Clean Engine, increasing scanning speed by 100%.
More improvements in V2.0.5
1.Free switch between English and your native language.
2.Optimize "Move to SD card" function.
3.More details optimized.


حجم البرنامج : 8.6 ميجا .

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