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تحميل لعبة مسلية جدا للاندرويد Multiponk v1.0.15

رائد منير

ستار جديد
Multiponk v1.0.15


The HD graphic designs and the ultra-realistic physical engine will make you feel like playing on an real wooden board. A classic already !
Up to 4 players on tablet and up to 2 players on smartphone.

One finger to control your paddle. Give your ball smooth effects and thwart the traps to win the game !
In Multiplayer mode, catch the bonuses, use the bumpers and beat your opponents.
In Solo mode, try to beat A.I computer and defeat Mr Monster.
Don't lose control of the ball !

-Immersive HD design
-Realistic physical engine
-7 game modes : A.I. revenge, classic, baby, crazy, flash, dual, death ball
-11 bonuses: Multiball, Power, Big ball, Gravity, Autopilot, Time warp...
-5 ball sizes
-Paddle slice effect
-14 Original music themes by KingQ4

(Ex: Multipong, Multibong)
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