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بشرى سارة لأصحاب كرت الصوت Sound Blaster Live series 4.1 - 5.1 vista 32/64 driver


ستار جديد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

بشرى سارة لأصحاب كرت الصوت Sound Blaster Live series

في الصفحة تجد التعريفات وطريقة التنصيب


http://imagen.subeimagen.com/16876sb vista00.jpg
http://imagen.subeimagen.com/433051sb vista02.jpg

http://imagen.subeimagen.com/170804sb vista03.jpg

http://imagen.subeimagen.com/617122sb vista04.jpg

http://imagen.subeimagen.com/365072sb vista05.jpg

http://imagen.subeimagen.com/199188sb vista06.jpg

إقتباس ماجاء
I write this thread again, this time have better desing text

Again thank to daniel_k he found this driver and I only tweak and summarize info to sb live series users.

Sound Blaster Live series 4.1 - 5.1 vista 32/64 driver

This Driver have OpenAL support, Surround sound, Louder volume, audio console functional, Microsoft enhancements (These enhancements allow highly advanced Bass Management Control, Speaker Fill similar to CMSS, but MS sounds better, Room Correction and Loudness Equalization) and same XP´sound quality.

Eax work with Alchemy¡

1-Uninstall old driver

2-Run setup, if ask the driver not whql,install anyway the driver work just fine reboot

3-Install Audio Console reboot, this is important to surround sound work, if not install audio console the sound only pass through two front speakers

4-if you hear bad sound, change spaker to 4 or 5.1 preferably use audio console if show all white use windows mixer but leave audio console installed to surround sound work; or change sample rate option in panel control, 48000hz 16bit work for me, if you can´t hear any sound after install the driver or change speaker setting, only mute and unmute volume in windows mixer and this fix the problem.

5-The sounds in vista enviroment have only two channel, test multichannel sounds in games like Bioshock or Prey

Note: For multichannel sounds in windows vista environment, you have to enable Speaker Fill option in control panel - sound enhancements setting.

I test multichannel 4 and 5.1 sounds successfully in Bioshock demo.

Other info

Audio console work¡¡ EAX work in games¡, in winamp and EAX´s effect in audio console work too¡

for this,use Creative_Alchemy_Universal_1.00.04 or Creative_ALchemy_1.00.03 both Daneil_K mod.

Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 5.10.38 work too¡

Winamp 5.35 work perfect with ALchemy Universal 1.00.04 for SB Live! / Audigy

have full support hardware acceleration and multi speakers, the sound is very good¡¡

Instruction for winamp and other players:

copy dsound.dll´s ALchemy directory to winamp folder. enjoy¡

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The included files are property of Creative Labs, Inc.

The files: التعاريف

Sound Blaster Live series 4.1 - 5.1 vista 32/64 driver


Creative audio console - Install this to surround sound work


Creative ALchemy Universal 1.00.04 for SB Live! / Audigy


Gameport support pack for Vista gameport driver


Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 5.10.38

Read other sb live driver post:




Test with SB Live Value Model: CT4830 and Windows Vista ultimate 32/64bits

Full System Setup:

ATHLON 64 X2 4400+ Core Brisbane
K9N NEO V1.0 bios v1.6
2Gb Dual Channel OCZ Platinum Rev.2 800mhz
Zogis Geforce 7950GT 512MB PCIE
Sound Blaster Live Value
ATV-TUNER-F Advantek
