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برنامج Wordpad 2009 بشكل متطور

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برنامج Wordpad 2009 بشكل متطور


If you are from those who are looking forward to Windows 7 in order to enjoy Ribbon in all its applications Wordpad 2009 you'll love. Wordpad 2009 is a version of Wordpad lifetime but incorporating Ribbon. As you can imagine this is not what has drawn so because if Microsoft, but it is the creation of a user of DeviantArt.

Apart from mainstream Ribbon, Wordpad 2009 also incorporates tabbed browsing, enabling us to edit multiple text files at once. Apart from that Wordpad 2009 does not include any more improvement to the naked eye that does not include the WordPad that comes with our system. The grace of Wordpad 2009 is simply the radical change of appearance.

Wordpad 2009 includes three skins, one blue, one black and one with the default color of the operating system. Works with Windows XP and Windows Vista, requires.

NET 2.0 and is in English. Requires no installation and no further deals or 400KB.


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