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برنامج MobilEdit! 2.0.4للتحكم الكلي في الموبايل عبر الكمبيوتر


كبار الشخصيات
MobilEdit! 2.0.4

للتحكم الكلي والمطلق فى الموبايل عبر الكمبيوتر


MOBILedit! is a unique modular program which allows you to control your mobile phone from the PC via Bluetooth, infrared or cable. You can easily copy photos from your phone or upload your favorite ringtones, logos, MP3's and transfer documents too. You can dial, send SMS's, receive calls, organize contacts, play games and much more. MOBILedit! is designed as an operating system, you can enhance its functionality by adding new plug-in applications and drivers



Name : Taikonaut
Activation code: M5F8C-FHACG-C8FYU-4H47J-13S2A
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