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برنامج Ashampoo Magical Defrag نسخة Portable


كبار الشخصيات

البرنامج شبيه لبرنامج Windows defragment لكنه يتوفر على العديد من الخصائص الإضافية

[B]New features:[/B]

[B] • Fragmentation Protection: Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 uses advanced new software technology to prevent disk fragmentation. You no longer have to worry about defragmenting your disks because the program keeps them defragmented for you. It’s that simple.[/B]
[B] • Powerful new algorithm: The new defragmentation algorithm introduced in this version is much more efficient and powerful. It uses intelligent analysis to achieve significantly better results in significantly less time.[/B]
[B] • Dynamic graphical display: If you want to watch the program in action you can turn on a dynamic drive map display that shows the fragmentation of your disk and how Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 is doing its work.[/B]
[B] • No-configuration operation: Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 is even easier to use than its predecessor. There is nothing to configure. Just install it and forget it – and forget about problems with fragmented disks as well.[/B]
[B] • Windows Vista™ compatible: Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2 is ready for Windows Vista™ today. You can install it now, safe in the knowledge that it will continue to work when you upgrade to Windows Vista™ next year.[/B]

حجم البرنامج 11 ميجا

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Star One

كبار الشخصيات
الف شكر ليك ياغالى جارى التحميل والتجربة واتمنى انه يكون اخف واسرع من defrag الويندوز