السلام عليكم
هذا البرنامج لأصحاب skystar2 فقط
إليكم هذا البرنامج الجديد بإسم NetStreamVision Server 1.08 وهذة هى مميزاتة
With NetStreamVision Server and Player you can accept from the satellite and transfer selectively or all videos (HDTV support) and radio channels on a local area network. The amount of clients is not limited. Clients can see simultaneously some channels. Thus channels can be different. The NSVServer works only with sky star2
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هذا البرنامج لأصحاب skystar2 فقط
إليكم هذا البرنامج الجديد بإسم NetStreamVision Server 1.08 وهذة هى مميزاتة
With NetStreamVision Server and Player you can accept from the satellite and transfer selectively or all videos (HDTV support) and radio channels on a local area network. The amount of clients is not limited. Clients can see simultaneously some channels. Thus channels can be different. The NSVServer works only with sky star2
حمل من هنا
مع أرق تحياتى لكم
على العبادلة
thumb: lol thumb:
التعديل الأخير: