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بتاريخ 14-3-2010 الإصدار الجديد من حزمة الكوديك الشهيرة K-Lite Codec Pack 5.8.3


مشرف برامج الكمبيوتر والانترنت العام,


K-Lite Codec Pack 5.8.3


برنامج الكودك الشهير لتشغيل الأفلام والملفات الصوتية
يحتوي على مجموعة هائلة من أكواد البرامج لن تتوقعها لتشغيل جميع الصيغ ويتميز ببسطاته وقوته وله الكثير من الميزات الرائعة فعلاً

يوجد من هذا الكوديك 6 حزم لكل منها ميزات تختلف عن غيرها:

K-Lite Codec Pack Basic 5.8.3
K-Lite Codec Pack Standard 5.8.3
K-Lite Codec Pack 5.8.3 Full
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.8.3
K-Lite Codec Pack Corporate 5.8.3
K-Lite Codec Pack 64-bit 3.3.0

تعتبـر النسخــه Corporate و Basic و Standard النسخــه المخففه من النسخه الكامله الـ Full
كما تعتبر النسخة Mega هي الأشمل فهي مثلا تتميز عن الحزم الأخرى بقدرتها على تشغيل ملفات الريل

K-Lite Codec Pack
There are several different variants of the K-Lite Codec Pack. Ranging from a very small bundle that contains only the most essential decoders to a large and more comprehensive bundle. The global differences between the 5 variants can be found below

* Contains everything you need to play all popular video file formats.
* Supports playback of AVI, MKV, MP4, FLV, OGM, MPEG, MOV, HDMOV, TS, M2TS, and OGG files.

Same as Basic, plus:
* Includes Media Player Classic Homecinema.
* Includes a MPEG-2 decoder for DVD playback.
* Supports playback of FLAC and WavPack audio files.

Same as Standard, plus:
* Contains several ACM and VFW codecs for audio and video encoding.
* Supports several additional lossless audio formats.
* Contains additional DirectShow filters. Giving you more freedom of choice to use your preferred filters.
* Contains a few useful tools, like GraphStudio

Same as Full, plus:
* Includes Real Alternative.
* Includes a few extra ACM and VFW codecs.

*Special variant for use in a corporate environment

*For use on 64-bit versions of Windows.
*For an optimal user experience it is highly recommended to also install one of the 32-bit variants from above, because most software that runs on 64-bit versions of Windows is still 32-bit.
*For example, Vista x64 uses a 32-bit version of Windows Media Player by default

الجديد في هذا الإصدار :
K-Lite Codec Pack Basic 5.8.3
* Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 4.2.2
* Added Win7DSFilterTweaker
* Minor changes

K-Lite Codec Pack Standard 5.8.3
*Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.1752.0

K-Lite Codec Pack 5.8.3 Full
* Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.1752.0
* Reverted LAME MP3 ACM codec to version 3.98.2 because version 3.98.3 does not work properly on certain Windows XP systems

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.8.3
* Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.1752.0
* Reverted LAME MP3 ACM codec to version 3.98.2 because version 3.98.3 does not work properly on certain Windows XP systems

K-Lite Codec Pack Corporate 5.8.3
* Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.1752.0
* Reverted LAME MP3 ACM codec to version 3.98.2 because version 3.98.3 does not work properly on certain Windows XP systems

و الآن التحميل :
الحزم كلها مرفوعة على 5 سيرفرات إختر منها ما تريد

K-Lite Codec Pack Basic 5.8.3 - 5.29MB

K-Lite Codec Pack Standard 5.8.3 - 10.27MB

K-Lite Codec Pack 5.8.3 Full - 14.87MB

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.8.3 - 24.42MB

K-Lite Codec Pack Corporate 5.8.3 - 12.66MB

K-Lite Codec Pack 64-bit 3.3.0 - 6.35MB
