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اليكم وصلات تحميل ونداوز اكس بي باك2


ستار جديد

اليكم وصلات تحميل ونداوز اكي بي Windows Xp Pro + SP3 + Extras [BOOTABLE
وده معلومات عليه

:I N F O:.
App Name: Windows Xp Pro + SP3 + Extras [BOOTABLE]
Utility Type : OS
Size: Rars= 22x30 + 1x27,5mb, unrar=733 mb ISO
Date relese: 18/01/2006
Number of CDs: 1
Protection : none


Windows XP Pro SP3 Unattended install by Amit Talkin. (with Vista theme and more)

Includes M$ Office 2003, Adobe Reader 7, MSN Messenger, Firefox.

Completely silent, unattended and activation free, no $erial needed. Windows XP Pro SP3 Unattended Install (Inc MS Office 2003).

Will burn to 700mb cd.

Installed and tested by me and working sweet.

Edit: The creator recommends a fresh install, don't lay it over a previous OS.

This Comes With Microsoft Office 2003 SP2( Full...SlipStreamed 75 MB)...Total ISO Size is 695 MB!!
I recommended you to make new & clean installation...dont upgrade from previous release.. It dosent require to put CD- key ...just start setup..and go away from pc...it will not ask u abt anything!!

Hotfixes added till january 2006!!
-Boot Screen FIxed
-Logon Screen Fixed
-More Tweaks added For faster Performance
-More Themes added...and VIsta XP theme as default
-Some softwares included as below...
>Office 2003 SP2 With Frontpage!
>Firefox 1.5
>quick time alternative 1.67
>Adobe Reader 7.05
>Also included Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP 2
>MIcrosoft Virtual CD
>Some Tweak Tools ( see in the control panel )
>Winrar 3.51 + Themes ( evalution version...download fix from anywhere...Many Themes Included!! )
-OSX Cursors Pack
-Unlocker 1.7.6
- Tweaks For Internet Explorer ( maximum simultaneos download limit is 10 now )
- WMP 10 + Updated
- New Icons
- New Drivers ( Mass Storage & Wireless Lan )
- Drivers Problem Fixed
- Enhanced Visual Effects
- No CD-Key!!
- Codec Packs..
- Registry Watcher ( will be useful to find applictions registry entry & its effects )
-Some System Utilities ( see SYSTEM TOOLS IN START MENU )
And Many More

Logon Screen Is same as past version!!

From Previous Release
->uxtheme.dll patched
-> hacked WGA ( genuine advantage validation hacked )
-> maximum simultaneous connection limit removed
-> windows file protection desabled
-> Default Vista Theme & Enhanced Bootskin and logon skin!!
-> Registry Tweaks Added For Better Performance
-> All Device Drivers 400 MB!!!
-> Integrated Applications

Whats New from Previous Release???
-Hotfixes added till january 2006!!
-Boot Screen FIxed
-Logon Screen Fixed
-More Tweaks added For faster Performance
-More Themes added...and VIsta XP theme as default
-Some softwares included as below...
>Office 2003 SP2 With Frontpage!
>Firefox 1.5
>quick time alternative 1.67
>Adobe Reader 7.05
>Also included Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP 2
>MIcrosoft Virtual CD
>Some Tweak Tools ( see in the control panel )
>Winrar 3.51 + Themes ( evalution version...download fix from anywhere...Many Themes Included!! )
-OSX Cursors Pack
-Unlocker 1.7.6
- Tweaks For Internet Explorer ( maximum simultaneos download limit is 10 now )
- WMP 10 + Updated
- New Icons
- New Drivers ( Mass Storage & Wireless Lan )
- Drivers Problem Fixed
- Enhanced Visual Effects
- No CD-Key!!
- Codec Packs..
- Registry Watcher ( will be useful to find applictions registry entry & its effects )
-Some System Utilities ( see SYSTEM TOOLS IN START MENU )













ستار جديد
اهلا بيك مشرفنا العزيز
واعتدر على الخطأ الدي وقع معي وانا كنت ناقل الموضوع ده من منتدى
تركي للفائدة ومنتبهتش على الخطأ ده وبشكرك على الملاحظة وحعوضك عن الموضوع ده


ستار جديد


Nicto has done it again ..This is his newest release XP Pro Corporate w/ SP2 LITE Features

░ Increased number of TCP connections for faster P2P
░ Integrated serial number
░ Alexa spyware now gone
░ Faster installation
░ Useless services, programs, and files now gone
░ This is English only! Fresh install + Start menu

This has the full functionality of Windows XP, but it is much liter and much faster! I have been using it for months with no problems, so hopefully you will experience no problems. And remember -- it's ENGLISH ONLY! Enjoy!


