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الوحش الروسي Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 CF1

Cosmic Space

كبار الشخصيات
إليكم أخر إصدار لبرنامج Kaspersky Internet Security 2011

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 CF1 Beta


واجهة البرنامج


الجديد في النسخة

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 offers a number of new and improved features together with unique protection technologies to address the latest online threats, keep your PC or Netbook running smoothly and customize protection according to your activities:

* Improved: Risk-based Application Control restricts programs’ rights to access potentially vulnerable system resources or share sensitive data on the Internet
* New: System Watcher - Heuristics-based analysis monitors, restricts and blocks suspicious program behavior
* Improved: Safe Run mode launches questionable applications and websites without risk
* Improved: Rescue CD disinfects the system after malware attacks
* New: Safe Run for websites mode provides added security for online banking and other similar activities where a high risk of identity theft exists
* Improved: Advanced antimalware technologies even allows installation on infected PCs
* New: New System Watcher technology tracks, records and analyzes suspicious activity and lets you roll back any dangerous actions
* New: Safe Surf technology blocks malware and phishing websites for great online security

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or higher)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher)
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Business (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Starter (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32/64 Bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (32/64 Bit)


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