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النسخة النهائية لل Ie7


كبار الشخصيات
النسخة النهائية لل IE7


IE7 for the World

Now that we’ve released IE7 in English, I want to update everyone on our plans for other languages. The short version is that we will be releasing IE7 in all languages available for each version of Windows – twenty-four fully localized languages in total. In two to three weeks, we’ll ship the Arabic, Finnish, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish language versions. The remaining languages will be released in phases between November and January. I’ve listed the set of fully localized languages by operating system and platform below.

In addition to these full language versions, we will release the Multi-language User Interface (MUI) version in January, and the fifty-five Windows XP Professional Language Interface Pack (LIP) versions of Internet Explorer 7 after that. You can find more information on the Windows Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) Version and Windows XP Professional Language Interface Pack (LIP) at



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