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SuperCleaner 2.95
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صاروخ تنظيف من افضل واسرع واقوى البرامج SuperCleaner (شرح بالصور)
باللغه الانجليزيه
SuperCleaner is an all-in-one computer cleaner that finds the files that are eating up your disk space and slowing you down. It can also Clear your Internet History, including your Internet Explorer history, Firefox history, and AOL history. It even erases the hidden index.dat files Windows hides on your computer!
SuperCleaner will Delete Cookies that websites leave behind, saving only the ones you specify. You have the option to perform a file wiping when you clear your Internet history, so the files can never be recovered, even with file recovery software! The powerful AutoClean feature lets you automate and schedule your cleanings.
SuperCleaner features a variety of cleaning methods, in order to gain back your valuable hard disk space. It's garbage file scanner is able to locate up to hundreds or even thousands of megabytes of unneeded files which are simply taking up space on your computer. The Internet Privacy feature of SuperCleaner will let you erase your web browser's cache (temporary Internet files), history, cookies and even the hidden index.dat files!
SuperCleaner will Delete Cookies that websites leave behind, saving only the ones you specify. You have the option to perform a file wiping when you clear your Internet history, so the files can never be recovered, even with file recovery software! The powerful AutoClean feature lets you automate and schedule your cleanings.
SuperCleaner features a variety of cleaning methods, in order to gain back your valuable hard disk space. It's garbage file scanner is able to locate up to hundreds or even thousands of megabytes of unneeded files which are simply taking up space on your computer. The Internet Privacy feature of SuperCleaner will let you erase your web browser's cache (temporary Internet files), history, cookies and even the hidden index.dat files!
If there are cookies that you wish to keep, the easy to use Cookie Manager lets you specify which cookies not to delete. Another popular feature of the program is the Start menu cleaner. This feature finds all of the links in your Start menu which are dead (pointing to files that no longer exist), and gives you the option of removing them. For maximum security, you have the option of erasing files using a file wipe. This prevents someone using "undelete" software from recovering any of your files.
This powerful program can also perform many functions automatically when your computer starts, such as: emptying your Windows temporary directory; erasing your web browser's cache; emptying the Recycle Bin; and much more! SuperCleaner is very powerful, yet easy for beginners to
This powerful program can also perform many functions automatically when your computer starts, such as: emptying your Windows temporary directory; erasing your web browser's cache; emptying the Recycle Bin; and much more! SuperCleaner is very powerful, yet easy for beginners to
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