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العملاق TuneUp Utilities 2010 9.0.4100.18 بآخر إصدار مع شرح عملية التنصيب


مشرف برامج الكمبيوتر والانترنت العام,


TuneUp Utilities 2010 9.0.4100.18


إليكم الإصدار الجديد من البرنامج الرائع .. , و هذه بعض الميزات :

++ إزالة الملفات الغير ضرورية من النظام
++ إزالة الملفات القديمة و المنتهية الصلاحية من السجل أو ما يسمى ب ( Registry ) و تنظيمه
++ التحكم بخصائص النظام بشكل كامل
++ تفحص القرص الصلب و اكتشاف الأخطاء و إصلاحها
++ إلغاء تجزئة القرص الصلب
++ استعادة الملفات المحذوفة
++ حذف الملفات بشكل نهائي و منع القدرة على استعادتها
++ تعديل قائمة بدء التشغيل
++ تنظيم الملفات و المجلدات
++ إزالة البرامج المثبتة لديك بشكل كامل
++ التحكم بالبرامج النشطة
++ استعراض معلومات النظام
++ الحصول على تقرير كامل بالأخطاء
++ و المزيد .............

الجديد في هذا الإصدار :
New Features in this Version :

The new TuneUp Turbo Mode
The TuneUp Turbo Mode gives you an immediate performance boost whenever you need it. It switches off numerous functions that run in the background even when you are not actually using them.
The new TuneUp Live Optimization
TuneUp Utilities offers you two new optimization methods that ensure smooth workflow even at high
utilization. If necessary, the computer response rate is increased or a program startup process is accelerated.
The new TuneUp Utilities Gadget
For Windows Vista and Windows 7, there is now a TuneUp Utilities gadget that always displays the computer's status on the desktop without you having to launch TuneUp Utilities.
The new TuneUp Optimization Report
TuneUp Utilities provides a straightforward report showing you which maintenance and other optimization tasks you have already done using TuneUp Utilities and what benefits these have brought.
The new-look Start Center
TuneUp Utilities has been completely revamped: The new Start Center is even easier to use, and provides even faster access to each function, while still keeping track of the state of the computer.
Ready for Windows 7
TuneUp Utilities fully supports the new Windows 7 operating system. Just like Windows XP and Vista, TuneUp Utilities also runs on the 64-bit version of Windows 7.
Even more extensive Automatic Maintenance options
Automatic Maintenance and 1-Click Maintenance now carry out even more maintenance tasks for you. You can also set up the Automatic Maintenance so that it only starts when you are not actively working at the computer and - for a portable computer - when this is connected to a power supply.
New way of defragmenting the hard disk
The new TuneUp Utilities now offers you two ways to defragment your hard disk: one is particularly thorough and the other is very fast.
Easier defragmentation of the registry
In the previous version the registry had to be defragmented right after the analysis at restart. In the new TuneUp Utilities you can now postpone this optimization to the next time you start up your computer, meaning you no longer need to interrupt your work for this.
Gain disk space even more safely
You can now delete unnecessary files and old backups separately from each other in order to free up disk space on your hard disk. This allows you to safely remove redundant files at any time. After every clean up, TuneUp
Utilities also shows you how much disk space has been freed up and how many image and music files this equates to.
Easier to use
Many TuneUp Utilities functions are now even easier to use, making it much simpler for you to optimize your Windows system.
More information on your programs
TuneUp Utilities provides you with a revised description of all programs installed on your computer. If you would like more information on one of these programs, you can click to show the results of an online search. This helps you to quickly find out what the program does so that you can decide whether you need this program to start automatically or rather remove it from your computer all together

متطلبات التشغيل :
System requirements :

For you to be able to install and use TuneUp Utilities your computer must meet the following requirements.
These requirements are not high - most computers used today have these features:
Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Vista or Windows 7
(32- or 64-bit version)
256 MB RAM
Screen resolution at least 1024x600 pixels
Online version: min. 80 MB free hard disk space
CD version: min. 300 MB free hard disk space (and CD-ROM drive)

شرح عملية التنصيب :
إضغط دبل كليك على ملف التنصيب ثم اتبع الصور






للحصول على مفتاح التسجيل نفتح الكيجن و نتبع الآتي :




حجم البرنامج :
19.3 MB

التنزيل :

من هنــــــــــــــا برابط مباشر

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