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البرنامج الرائع والأول من شركة ALWIL Software

علي حسن 2

ستار جديد
Avast Professional Edition 4.8.1368 Final

البرنامج الرائع والأول من شركة ALWIL Software

offers specialized security solutions designed for personal use on individual machines - either at home or in your office. These products combine high performance with exceptional ease of use and outstanding design. avast! antivirus has been awarded the highest "Advanced+" rating following tests carried out by AV-Comparatives.
avast! 4 Home Edition is a full-featured antivirus package designed exclusively for non-commercial & home use only. Both of these conditions should be met!
avast! 4 Professional Edition is a collection of award winning, high-end technologies that work in perfect synergy, having one common goal: to protect your system and valuable data against computer viruses, spyware and rootkits. It represents a best-in-class solution for any Windows-based workstation.

مميزات البرنامج :

• Antivirus kernel
• Anti-spyware built-in
• Anti-rootkit built-in
• Strong self-protection
• Simple User Interface
• Enhanced User Interface
• Resident protection
• Script Blocker (Professional Edition only)
• P2P and IM Shields
• Network Shield
• Web Shield
• Automatic updates
• PUSH updates
• Virus Chest
• System integration
• Command-line scanner
• Integrated Virus Cleaner
• Support for 64-bit Windows / Vista
• Internationalization

avast! Home Edition - FREE antivirus software for Windows with anti-spyware protection:
All-inclusive and comprehensive protection FREE avast! antivirus Home Edition includes ANTI-SPYWARE protection, certified by the West Coast Labs Checkmark process, and ANTI-ROOTKIT detection based on the best-in class GMER technology. No additional purchase is required.

Simple to use and automated Daily automatic updates ensure continuous data protection against all types of malware and spyware. Simply install and forget. We've made avast! as simple to use as possible.

Tried and Trusted With over 60 million users of avast!, you can rest assured that you are using one of the most tried and trusted products in Windows security. We support more Windows versions (from Windows 95 to Vista 64bit) than any other anti-malware product. No matter what system you have, avast! has it covered.

Multilingual avast! is offered in over 30 language versions.

avast! 4 Professional antivirus, anti-spyware & anti-rootkit for Windows:
All-inclusive, comprehensive protection avast! 4 Professional Edition includes ANTI-SPYWARE protection, certified by the West Coast Labs Checkmark process, to protect against the latest spyware threats and ANTI-ROOTKIT DETECTION based on the best-in class GMER technology, built into the scan engine.

Simple to use and fully automated - Automatic incremental updates provide real-time protection of your system, including web surfing. We've made avast! antivirus as simple to use as possible, while allowing full control of your security.

Tried and Trusted - With over 60 million users of avast!, you can rest assured that you are using one of the most tried and trusted antivirus products in Windows security. avast! supports more MS Windows versions (from Windows 95 to Vista 64-bit) than any other anti-malware product.


* improvements in the malware URL blockers
* solved a vulnerability in aswRdr.sys (CVE-2009-4049) (special thanks to Giuseppe Bonfa)

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