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أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

الإصدار الجديد من العملاق YourUninstaller!6.3.2009.13


مشرف برامج الكمبيوتر والانترنت العام,


YourUninstaller!6.3.2009.13 ML



Installing and uninstalling programs are very common in this broadband world. People download programs every day and install them, lucky ones get the chance to serve you, but the others, they have to go.

OK, problems here: some programs are lazy and they won't take everything they brought here. They may leave files under Windows, unused Dll libraries, junk files and tons of registry keys. It's not the worst, some of them even prevent to be uninstalled, it always pops up a square dialog and tells you: "xxx is damaged, I could not be uninstalled." Even reinstalling the program will not help. It's really annoying and absolutely, unacceptable!

That's why you are reading this, you are in the right place! Your Uninstaller! is designed to solve any uninstall related problems and remove everything related, what you need is simply locate the program and hit "Uninstall", after simply clicks, it will be gone - with everything it brought. Your Uninstaller! also has advanced features for experienced users. Removing all unwanted programs will keep your system clean and stable.

Your Uninstaller! completely replaces the built-in Add/Remove program, with more reliable features. If you are familiar using the standard Add/Remove program, there's no difficulty using Your Uninstaller

رقم الإصدار : 6.3.2009.13
تاريخ الإصدار : 11/22/2009
الحجم : 4.1 MB

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