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تم صدور السيرفس باك 3 فى طوره التمهيدى بموقع تحديث الويندوز ( ويندوز أب دات )
Windows XP Service Pack 3 (32-bit x86) Release Candidate 1
Date last published: 11/15/2007
Typical download size: 70.6 MB
Windows XP SP3 Release Candidate 1 is a cumulative service pack that includes all previously released updates for Windows XP, including security updates, out-of-band releases, and hotfixes. It contains a small number of new updates, but should not significantly change the Windows XP experience. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.System Requirements
Recommended CPU: Not specified.
Recommended memory: Not specified.
Recommended hard disk space: Not specified.How to Uninstall
This software update can be removed via Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.Get help and support information
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