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افضل برامج انتى فايرس لعام 2008 Top Anti-virus Software - 2008 Listst

Shark DVB

كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


افضل برنامج انتى فيرس لعام 2008 بين ايدك الان اختار ما شئت


Refer to

for the 2008 list and for more in depth reviews on the anti-virus'. The reviews posted below are just the summary of the reviews. I got all the reviews from the site.

1. Bitdefender Anti-virus, Internet Security, and Total
Security 2008




The best line of defense against computer viruses, spyware, ******* and spam is BitDefender 2008, our #1 ranked anti–virus software and winner of “TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award.” BitDefender 2008 is an outstanding product with a user–friendly interface that will scan all existing files on your computer, all incoming and outgoing emails, IM transfers and all other network traffic.

Anyone who spends time on the Internet knows the importance of anti–virus software; BitDefender will keep your computer virus–free and running smoothly.


Note: Make sure you uncheck 'update' when you install

Antivirus 2008

Internet Security 2008

Total Security 2008

Keygen for ALL Bitdefender Versions!


2. Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security v. (Latest!)


Kaspersky also receives a perfect score on our review, passes nearly all of the major virus tests, has hourly definition updates and offers an extensive feature set. This is the “TopTenREVIEWS Silver Award”anti-virus software.

Though Kaspersky ranks very close to the #1 product, we found that BitDefender had one more option, the registry startup protection. And, at $24.95 BitDefender is the better deal.

Kaspersky is an easy-to-use program for the average person with plenty of customizable options for an advanced user. Just install and set up this software and you'll never have to worry about a virus or worm infecting your computer.


Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

Mirror 3:

Mirror 4:

Mirror 5:

Mirror 6:

Mirror 7:

Kaspersky Internet Security
Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

Mirror 3:

Mirror 4:

Mirror 5:

Mirror 6:

Mirror 7:

FINALLY the Updated KEYS! - for both Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security

3. Eset NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security v. 3.0.621 - LATEST!


ESET's Nod32 has an excellent virus detection rate earning the VB100% in all eight of its most recent Windows test. This software has a number of practical features to help you monitor your computer's security including outbreak notices and history/report logging. This antivirus software wins our "TopTenREVIEWS Bronze Award"and would have placed higher if it were a bit more novice friendly.

The software uses some technical terms in the interface and other areas of the product. Novices may find the higher-ranked products easier to use.

Nod32 is a first-rate antivirus program that offers several levels of superior protection. However, the product is somewhat hard to understand because of the technical jargon and wouldn't be our first choice for the average home user.

Install Notes:
1. Install and during installation:
Remember to check "set update parameters later"

2. Start NOD32

3. Go to task manager and end 'egui.exe' which is the ESET GUI

4. Open the registry file included in the archive

5. Open NOD32 again and press F5 (Advanced Setup)

6. Click update on the left hand side

7. Select Update Server, and select the url. Do not select choose automatically.

8. And updates will work successfully now


For NOD32 Smart Security v. 3.0.621 + Update Patch

For NOD32 Antivirus v. 3.0.621 + Update Patch

4. Trend Micro Antivirus + Antispyware 2008 - LATEST!


Overall, this program performs about as well as its competitors but BitDefender is more affordably priced and Kaspersky, for the same price, scans faster and updates more often.



5. F-Secure Anti-virus v8.00.102 Latest!


F-Secure AntiVirus is a user-friendly program loaded with scanning capabilities that will keep your PC secure and safe. This suite provides registry startup protection and screens emails and instant messages-to name just a few of its defensive features.

While F-secure is not a huge system hog, the program does have several processes running that when combined, use more of your system than our top rated products. Nonetheless, the scan time was about average compared to the other high-ranking antivirus programs.

The average person can install F-Secure and be worry free about viruses infecting their machine. With just a glance at this program, you can quickly tell if you are up to date on your virus definitions, and see if there is anything you should be concerned about.



6. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Latest!


McAfee is an industry leader in computer protection and VirusScan is their #1 defense against viruses. This software comes with a ******Stopper, to prevent virus to propagate from one computer to another via email, and WormStopper.

Some downsides to the program are it doesn't provide instant message protection, P2P/file sharing protection or registry startup protection.

McAfee is a name brand product that does an excellent job at detecting and removing viruses. Their update process can be somewhat tedious and their support department needs to answer their emails in a timelier manner.



7. Norton 360 Anti-virus + Everything Else - All in One security


Norton, a big player in security software, offers competitive antivirus protection. The AntiVirus 2007 suite is easy to use and has extensive security features to protect your PC from malicious programs. Some of this protection includes instant messaging scanning, ****** blocking and POP3 and SMTP email protection. However, this software doesn’t provide protection from P2P or file sharing transfers.

Norton Antivirus 2007 provides a formidable defense against common Internet threats. However, we would like to see this product include registry startup protection and technical support by telephone.


Part 1:

Part 2:

8. AVG Anti-virus Professional 7.5.476 - Latest!


AVG Anti-Virus has everything you need in an antivirus program: email scanning to include email attachments, boot scanning and auto updating of the virus definitions. From the basic interface, you can quickly do one of three tests: the Complete Test, Removable Media Test and Quick Test.

The biggest downside to AVG Anti-Virus is it didn't pass the West Coast Lab's level 2 test.



License till 2009 built in to installer

9. CA Anti-virus - Latest!


Formerly known as eTrust EZ Antivirus, CA Antivirus is an easy-to-use program that's good for computer novices and does a good job protecting your files and your computer from viruses.

This software doesn't scan for riskware, adware or spyware.



10. Norman Virus Control 5.90 Latest!


We rated Norman Virus Control as a “very good” antivirus program. It passed the Virus Bulletin and ICSA 2007.

This software isn't as user-friendly as some of the top-ranked products and may be difficult for computer novices.

Norman Virus Control is a reliable program that will protect your computer from annoying viruses. It isn't as user-friendly as some of the higher-ranking programs.



One of my favorites thats not on the list, because its sold in only some parts of the world like Europe...

Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium - LATEST!


Thanks to The_1337

The Good

Avira AntiVir has almost two decades of experience in fighting viruses and today's product shows it. With this program you get speed, use of excellent features and an increased protection level.

The Bad

Since the free Classic Edition has its small limitations compared to the Premium one, I guess that the nag screen could go away. The interface could suffer a small redesign, since the File menu is useless, having only the Exit option, and the extra options available into the menu bar could be well organized into the tabbed area.

The Truth

No matter if the sun is shining, having an umbrella is always a good precaution, and my recommendation today is to get Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition.



Download Key:

لاتنسونا من صالح الدعاء thumb:

بالتوفيق للجميع


كبار الشخصيات
صارلنا مدة طويلة ما شفنا مثل هذه المواضيع

الله يعطيك العافية يا غالي



ستار جديد
والله الكاسبر سكاى أفضل لاحظ الزمن المستغرق فى البحث عن الفيروسات فى قرص صلب 80 جيجابايت وهو ثمان :cool: دقائق وهو أقل زمن ، ولكن البيتديفيندر يحتاج إلى 20 دقيقة.
وفى رأيى فإن 15 دولارا :D ليست فرقا كبيرا لتعطي البيتديفيندر الترتيب الأول.

شكرا على الموضوع.


ستار جديد
كاسبر سكاى هو الأفضل أيضا فى:
2009 و 2010 و 2011 و 2012 و ..............................................

Shark DVB

كبار الشخصيات
والله الكاسبر سكاى أفضل لاحظ الزمن المستغرق فى البحث عن الفيروسات فى قرص صلب 80 جيجابايت وهو ثمان :cool: دقائق وهو أقل زمن ، ولكن البيتديفيندر يحتاج إلى 20 دقيقة.
وفى رأيى فإن 15 دولارا :D ليست فرقا كبيرا لتعطي البيتديفيندر الترتيب الأول.

شكرا على الموضوع.

بالنسبة الى افضل Bitdefender صحيح البرنامج معقد قليلا الا انه اتبث جدارته

كأفضل برنامج حماية هنالك الكثير من الفيروسات لايستطيع الكاسبر التعامل معها

بصراحة Bitdefender برنامج فائق الذكاء

وشكرا لك اخي جمال على تواجدك معنا

والاختلاف في الرئ لايفسد في الود قضية

وفقك الله

master 1

ستار جديد
اخي بصراحة انا من مستخدمي كاسبر سكاي
والبيتدفيندر ايضا جميل جدا ولاكن عيبه مع انه يحتوي على انتي سبايور
الا انه لا يقوم بمسحها واجهتني هذه المشكلة كثيرا وسألت عنها في اكثر من منتدى ولاكن بدون فائدة
والاصدار الوحيد الذي تخلص من ملفات السبايور هو بيت ديفيندر انترنت سكيوريتي 9
وشكرا لك على طرحك الرائع .. وبأنتظار المزيد من المشاركات القوية مثل اسمك
التعديل الأخير:

Shark DVB

كبار الشخصيات
شكرا لك اخي ماستر على الرد

انا استخدم Bitdefender Total Security 2008

ولم الاحظ هذه المشكلة او ربما لم يتعرض جهازي لملفات السبايوير

لكنك لاتنكر ان Bitdefender استطاع التغلب على اكبر عدد ممكن من الفيروسات

بصريح العبارة Bitdefender تفوق على الكاسبر من ناحية الاداء والكاسبر تفوق على Bitdefender

في سهولة التعامل مع البرنامج ((فأيهما ستفضل في هذه الحالة))


master 1

ستار جديد
اكيد الاداء افضل ...ولاكن لو رأيت التقرير بوضوح لتبين بأن ال bitdefender تفوق على الكاسبر بفراق قليل جدا جدا يكاد لا يرى .. مع انه في اختبار الفحص على هادرديسك 80GB استغرق الكاسبر 8 دقائق فقط ..بينماbitdefender استغرق 20 دقيقة .
في حالة bitdefender فهو قوي في التصدي للفيروسات ولاكن عيبه لا يعطيك خيارات للتعامل مع الملف المصاب
يقوم بحذف الفيروس حتى بدون تصريح منك .. وريما انت تعمل على برامج ليست فيروسات ولا كن البرنامج يتعامل معها انه hacker tool فيقوم بحذفه فورا .. بالرغم من عدم مضرة البرنامج بالجهاز..
والعكس للكاسبر يعطيك خيارات delete او skip او add to trusted zone
امتنى الفكرة وضحت
وفي هذه الحالة ايهما تفضل انت ؟

Shark DVB

كبار الشخصيات
شكرا لك اخي ماستر على التوضيح لكن جميع الخيارات التي تحدث

عنها موجودة في نسخة
Bitdefender Total Security 2008

سأترك حكاية المدة التي يأخدها البرنامج في فحص القرص فهى ليست مهمة ((من وجهة نظري))

وايضا هنالك خاصية استعادة الملفات المصابة بعد حذفها الخاصة بالكاسبر

توجد ايضا في Bitdefender Total Security 2008 ولا اعلم بالنسبة للأصدارات الاخرى

وحكاية انه يقوم بحذف الملف دون تصريح فيااخي معلومتك خاطئة البرنامج يعطيك عدة خيارات

قبل الحذف ومشكلت حذفه للبرامج الغير امنة فهو سيعطيك خيارات اما الحذف او الحظر او الاستتناء
اي في النهاية لم تغير شئ (بالنسبة لي)

وان شاء الله سأحاول وضع صور توضيحية بالرغم من معاناتي من ضعف شديد جدا في


بالتوفيق اخي الكريم
التعديل الأخير: