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اضدار جديد من CyberLink PowerDVD 7 Deluxe

أحمد الزعلان

ستار جديد
هذة الرسالة وصلتني من الشركة علي الاميل بقولي الي اذا بدك نزل النسخة الجديدة من موقعنا
طبعا موقعهم www.cyberlink.com
Hi PowerDVD 6 Standard user,

Got incredible news! CyberLink PowerDVD 7 Deluxe has just been released for an upgrade price of only $29.95! Check out the exciting NEW features that will maximize your DVD playback to the utmost!

HI-DEF & impeccable Video: Play Blu-ray Disc's mandatory video format،XH.264 files, experience CLEV-2 (adaptive technology for enhancing colors naturally) in its 2nd generation with personalizing settings and smooth out video with Smart (Adaptive) video deinterlacing
Vibrant home theater audio: Listen to DTS 5.1 channels (included in Deluxe), DTS 96/24, DTS-ES*, DTS Matrix*, and DTS Neo:6*, Dolby Digital EX 7.1 channels, and DVD-Audio discs (MLP support)
Maximum MOBILITY: utilize the built-in pack for saving essential battery power, See-It-All features that speeds up and completes movie playback before battery power runs out, and CyberLink Virtual Speaker (CLVS) perfect for simulating surround sound via 2 speakers
Unlimited connectivity and playback: supports UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) client and playback of protected content such as CPRM (Content Protection of Recordable Media) and VCPS (Video Content Protection System)
Way too cool: try 5 freestyle viewing options & choice of colors, Say-It-Again feature that instantly repeats speaker's entire dialog, and Read-It-Clearly that moves subtitles for unobstructed movie viewing
All the formats support you'll ever need: play DivX Pro files, DVD-Audio files, DVD-VR on DVD-R, DVD+VR / Random Access, and InterActual-enhanced DVDs
Upgrade download version for only $29.95
More information on PowerDVD 7

Remain on top of the hi-def (HD) universe by redefining your DVD experience today and upgrading to PowerDVD 7 Deluxe.


CyberLink Web Sales & Marketing

* Via add-on pack