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اخر اصدار K-Lite Codec Pack 5.8.0 For All Windows


كبار الشخصيات

There Are Five Variants Of The K-Lite Codec Pack 5.8.0:

What's In this version:

# Updated Media Player Classic Home Cinema to version 1.3.1748.0
# Updated Media Player Classic (regular) to version rev. 107
# Added translations for MPC-HC
# Updated LAME MP3 ACM codec to version 3.98.3
# Updated RealMedia components to version
# Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 4.2.2
# Updated Win7DSFilterTweaker to version 3.0
# Updated MediaInfo Lite to version 0.7.29
# Tweaks applied by Win7DSFilterTweaker can now be automatically undone during uninstall
# Minor changes

For detailed tables with comparisons of the abilities and contents of the different variants of the codec pack, have a look at the comparison of abilities and comparison of contents pages.

Compatible with Windows: 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and Seven(7).

-The basic:

variant contains everything you need to play all the common video file formats. Such as AVI, MKV, MP4, OGM, and FLV. This pack is for those who like a small no-nonsense pack.

* Contains everything you need to play all popular video file formats.

* Supports playback of AVI, MKV, MP4, FLV, OGM, MPEG, MOV, HDMOV, TS, M2TS, and OGG files.

K-Lite Codec Pack basic

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-The standard:

variant contains some additional features compared to the basic variant. It contains Media Player Classic, which is an excellent player for video files. It also has (better) support for playback of DVDs. This pack is recommended for the average user.

* Includes Media Player Classic Homecinema.

* Includes a MPEG-2 decoder for DVD playback.

* Supports playback of FLAC and WavPack audio files.

K-Lite Codec Pack standard
: للتحميل من هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا

-The full:

ariant has many additional features. It supports playback of several (lossless) audio formats. It contains VFW/ACM codecs that can be used for encoding. It has playback support for a few legacy audio and video formats. This package is suitable for power users.

* Contains several ACM and VFW codecs for audio and video encoding.

* Supports several additional lossless audio formats.

* Contains additional DirectShow filters. Giving you more freedom of choice to use your preferred filters.

* Contains a few useful tools, like GraphStudio.

K-Lite Codec Pack Full

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-The mega:

variant has almost the same contents as the full variant, but additionally contains Real Alternative and some extra VFW/ACM codecs.

* Includes Real Alternative.

* Includes a few extra ACM and VFW codecs.

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

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-The corporate:

variant is a special version for use in a corporate environment. It is similar to the full variant, minus a few items, but almost just as powerful. It has a strong focus on open source software.

* Special variant for use in a corporate environment.

K-Lite Codec Pack corporate

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For use on 64-bit versions of Windows.

* For an optimal user experience it is highly recommended to also install one of the 32-bit variants from above, because most software that runs on 64-bit versions of Windows is still 32-bit.

* For example, Vista x64 uses a 32-bit version of Windows Media Player by default.

K-Lite Codec Pack 64-bit

: للتحميل من هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا

K-Lite Codec Pack FOR ALL

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