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اخر اصدار من برنامج الحماية BitDefender Antivirus Plus 10

Lion Heart

مشرف سابق
BitDefender Antivirus Plus 10 - Build 247


BitDefender provides security solutions to satisfy the protection requirements of today's computing environment, delivering effective threat management to over 41 million home and corporate users in more than 200 countries.
BitDefender Internet Security 10 covers all the security needs of an Internet-connected family. It provides essential protection against viruses, spyware, spam, scams, phishing attempts, intruders and objectionable web *******.
BitDefender 10 is designed to place as little burden as possible on its users and on the host system, while providing state-of-the-art defense against current Internet threats

download links
BitDefender Antivirus Plus 10 - Size: 25.0 MB

BitDefender Free Edition 8.0 - 13.1 MB

Crack For Plus