تحميل النسخ النهائية لبرنامج
ESET Smart Security 9
مفعل وتثبيث صامت
ESET Smart Security 9
مفعل وتثبيث صامت
البرنامج مفعل عن طريق احد الروس
1- Silent install
2- Automatic startup file check disabled
3- Set desktop notifications to 3 sec
4- Set notify about missing updates to "No updates"
5- Live Grid enabled and will not submit statistics (Files only)
6- Rescan quarantined files after every update disabled
7- Excluded sites that TNod use
8- Excluded TNod folder
9- Excluded hosts file (Any edit to hosts file Nod32 will delete it!)
10- Excluded SppExtComObjHook.dll file (Used by KMS activators) there's another file in user temp folder you need to exclude it manually
11- Unwanted applications enabled
12- Unsafe applications enabled
13- Excluded sites wont be added in WinXP you need to add them manually
14- Program Activated (If you find the key expired or blocked use any key to activate)
15- You need to restart to let Smart Security check the key that included or you can use any key
16- Close any browser while installation process ( NOD32 will add certificates to browsers to scan SSL)
17- In parental control options you will find BALTAGY user as account! you can delete it anytime
18- You must uninstall previous version and restart first
19- Enjoy!
والان الي التحميل
ESET Smart Security
32Bit (Size: 95.2 MB)
Download links for ESET_Smart_Security_v9.0.349.0_32Bit_Silent.zip - Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple hosts
64Bit (Size: 96.5 MB)
Download links for ESET_Smart_Security_v9.0.349.0_64Bit_Silent.zip - Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple hosts