كبار الشخصيات
السلام عليكم
برنامج رائع جداً للتلاعب بالصور خصوصاً صور أحبائنا الصغار البرنامج سهل حتى للمبتدئين هل تريد صوره مثل هذه
إليك نبذه عن البرنامج:
ZeallSoft FunPhotor is fun and easy to use photo blending software, a fun-filled Windows application that lets you blend your family portraits with well known artwork to create comical images. With a few short steps, you can add your face to the carved granite US Presidents on Mount Rushmore, put your portrait on a $100 bill, or create all sorts of gag gifts for your friends.
Choose from more than 100 high quality templates that include the Mona Lisa, a bodybuilder, or the US President speaking from his official podium. You can also build your own custom templates.
سعر البرنامج 29.95$ لكنه هنا مجاناً
حمـــــل من هنـــــا
السيريال : funphotor23nj3h4gss992k
برنامج رائع جداً للتلاعب بالصور خصوصاً صور أحبائنا الصغار البرنامج سهل حتى للمبتدئين هل تريد صوره مثل هذه
إليك نبذه عن البرنامج:
ZeallSoft FunPhotor is fun and easy to use photo blending software, a fun-filled Windows application that lets you blend your family portraits with well known artwork to create comical images. With a few short steps, you can add your face to the carved granite US Presidents on Mount Rushmore, put your portrait on a $100 bill, or create all sorts of gag gifts for your friends.
Choose from more than 100 high quality templates that include the Mona Lisa, a bodybuilder, or the US President speaking from his official podium. You can also build your own custom templates.
سعر البرنامج 29.95$ لكنه هنا مجاناً
حمـــــل من هنـــــا
السيريال : funphotor23nj3h4gss992k