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WinLIRC 0.9.0C | 2011-11-22


كبار الشخصيات
WinLIRC 0.9.0C | 2011-11-21

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What's In this version:

* New plugin for the CommandIR hardware (thanks Matthew)
* More transmit bug fixes !

Software which supports WinLIRC :

* IansHTPC, a player I wrote to replace my DivX/DVD player. Supports a wide range of video/audio formats with the help of DirectShow. Works great on my HDTV with a remote :)
* EventGhost, an open-source automation tool.
* jlirc, a Java API for LIRC and WinLIRC.
* PC Remote Control (shareware) supports WinLIRC (and other receivers).
* IReX allows you to launch programs via remote control.
* Universal Infrared Control Engine (shareware) fully supports WinLIRC.
* IRAssistant (shareware) allows you to emulate mouse actions, launch applications, execute macros, and more.
* Odtwarzacz Filmow (Film Player) supports WinLIRC.
* BSPlayer is a free DivX player that supports WinLIRC.
* Girder allows you to control Windows and supports WinLIRC.
* Remote Control Plugin for Winamp gives Winamp an attractive, remote-controlled, full-screen display
* Light Alloy is a multimedia player that supports WinLIRC.
* MyAlbum is a picture and video cataloger that supports WinLIRC for slideshows.
* Light Control uses eight bits of the parallel port to control lights and supports WinLIRC.
* WinLIRC Output Viewer is useful for diagnosing/troubleshooting WinLIRC settings and remotes.
* FlexRemote (freeware) allows you to control your PC and supports WinLIRC.
* AutoHotkey (GPL) allows you to create macros and hotkeys and supports WinLIRC.
* Media Player Classic is a video player that supports WinLIRC.
* HttpIrc is a PHP framework that allows you to control LIRC and WinLIRC through a web browser.

*Skystar2 remote control owners; Read readme.txt in skystar2 folder and just move winlirc.ini from this folder to plugins folder !


WinLIRC 0.9.0C
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WinLIRC 0.9.0C
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  • WinLIRC 0.9.0C - Didou.rar
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