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Golden Teletext 1.00 / plugin


كبار الشخصيات
Golden Teletext 1.00

Tested with the following applications:-

ALT-DVB, DVBdream, progdvb and WatchTVPro Ex.MyTheatre and RitzDVB using MDWrapper.Dvbviewer using SoftCSA.

What's In this version:

- This is MD-API plugin to show teletext with DVB applications.
- It supports level 1 and 1.5.
- level 1 (G0 Primary Sets and Latin National Option Sub-sets),Level 1.5 (G2 Supplementary Sets).
- Unicode is supported, including continues characters(Arabic for example)for both of win9x and winNT.
- Save all teletext pages in memory for fast navigation.
- Can save current page as bmp.
- Can use any font as long as it supports the desired language(Unicode) and or teletext fonts.

Just copy GoldenTTX.dll to Plugins folder.......
WatchTVPro Ex\Plugins

You can use the following keys for navigation:-
"up" and "down" arrow keys for page+ and page- respectively.
"Right" and "left" arrow keys for sub page+ and sub page- respectively.
"page Up" step forward by 10 pages, "page Down" step backward by 10 pages.
"Home" go to page 100.

Mouse actions:-
"D-click" to toggle fullscrean.
"R-click" to select language, font and save current page.
