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أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

***ProgDVB5.13Pro Full & Elecard full***


كبار الشخصيات

ProgDVB5.13Pro Full

-5.13 Many important fixs and improvements for better stability.
-5.13 Update Russian interface and skin engine.

Elecard AVC PlugIn for MPEG Player 2.0.60823 Full

-Elecard/MainConcept AVC/H.264 Video Decoder

Elecard MPEG-2 Decoder&Streaming Plug-in for WMP 3.4.70910 Full

-Elecard MPEG-2 Decoder and Streaming PlugIn for WMP (and for other DirectShow based products) is the package of Elecard components for media data de-multiplexing and decoding as well as receiving streaming video and decoding it.

Elecard AVC PlugIn for ProgDVB 1.0.70405 Full

-Elecard AVC plugin for ProgDVB allows clients to receive and decode channels with AVC/H.264 video from satellite using ProgDVB application.

ProgDVB Elecard Edition full

-Software to receive SAT-TV and listen to the radio directly.

What is In :
*ProgDVB5.13Pro & Cr*ck
*Elecard AVC PlugIn for ProgDVB 1.0.70405 & SE**AL
*Elecard AVC PlugIn for MPEG Player 2.0.60823 & Ke**en
*Elecard MPEG-2 Decoder&Streaming Plug-in for WMP 3.4.70910 & Ke**en
*ProgDVB Elecard Edition & Ke**en
التعديل الأخير:


ستار جديد
أخي الكريم الكراك الخاص ببرنامج البروج لا يعمل أو أنه يوجد مشكلة عندي...

حيث تظهر لي رسالة فحواها moudle not found


ستار جديد
the crack for ProgDVB5.13Pro Full & Elecard full is an un-detectable trojan, it generates an error and add it self to 2 registry keys after it's run.

After you run it, it creates a subfolder in your %temp%\inf\lsass.exe and %temp%\system32\lsass.exe or something like that, the second one is associate to the shell explorer so it takes over your system.

here is the exact details

In first place it somehow changes the system to hide system files, so that hidden folder no longer can be seen. This happened as i repeat the process twice, second time system files were hidden again (control panel allows under folder options allows you to show hidden files again)

Current filename: %temp%\inf\Lsass.exe

Database status: Not required - virus, spyware, malware or other resource hog
Value: SystemFile
Filename: SystemFile.exe

Added by the _DULLDOOR-A_ TROJAN!

Source: Paul Collins Startup list

second entry
category: winlogon
entry: shell
data: explorer.exe %temp%\system32\Lsas.exe

I suspect upon rebooting the first time either of these will disapear from the system completly due to the way the trojan has been designed or it will mutate to another location and once that is running your system will have an application (called a trojan) running as a server, so that other people can remote connect to your machine and control your machine, this will include viewing your screen as you see it, viewing your files as you see it, in fact they have more access then you will have, and that include access to any passwords that you may have stored in your system, such as internet explorer web pages and msn password, any password that is stored in your system.


كبار الشخصيات

اسف فان لم اجربه
لانه اطروجان فلى تستعملوه

اطلب من المشرف ان يحذفه مع الشكر واكرر اسفى ncom:


ستار جديد
حاولت على النت كثير احصل كراك ل progdvb 5.13 pro فلم احصل غير المرفق في هذا الموضوع و الذي هو عبارة عن فايروس او ما شابه. هل من جديد هل من احد توصل لسيريال مناسب.