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Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 برابط مباشر...


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Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007
Direct Download


Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 Direct Download
Office Ultimate 2007 provides people at home or work with a comprehensive set of tools that helps them gather and consolidate virtually any type of information, find what they are looking for quickly, and easily share information with others across geographical or organizational boundaries, so they can deliver better results faster.
New look and feel
The Office Fluent user interface makes it easier for you to find and use product features
Context-sensitive commands
Command tabs change automatically, depending upon the task that you are trying to complete.
SmartArt graphics
SmartArt graphics is an enhanced set of design tools that are available across Microsoft Office system of programs to make it easy for you to create visually stunning diagrams and charts
Live Preview
Preview proposed changes to your document while you’re working on it without having to repeatedly search through layers of menus
Excel data visualization tools
Use highly visual conditional formatting with new data bars and more colorful and gradual fills to format data based on specific rules, making it easier to identify key data trends.
Document Themes
Document Themes make it easy for you to preserve a consistent look for tables and text across Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.
Document Inspector
Easily remove “invisible” information such as comments, hidden text, and properties. Share documents with confidence.
Document recovery tool
Retrieve Microsoft Office system documents after a system failure.
Publish to PDF or XPS format
Ensure broader distribution of your documents. New support for Portable Document Format (PDF) and XML Paper Specification (XPS) file formats helps ensure broader distribution of your documents with others after you install an add-in.


الكرك في المرفقات
ودعم الحفظ بصيغة PDF&XPS في المرفقات


طريقة التنصيب كالتالي :

بعد تحميل الملفات قم بتنصيب الأوفيس ولا تقم بإدخال سيريال
لإختيار ما تريد أنزاله وعند الأنتهاء من التنصيب لاتقم بتشغيل الأوفيس
الأن قم بتشغيل الكرك
ثم قم بتشغيل
ثم قم بنسخ ملف
سوف يطالبك باستبدال الملفات أعطه موافق ...
ولكي تستطيع القيام بحفظ ملفاتك بصيغة
PDF & XPS فقط قم بتشغيل الملفين
