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mdPlug v.3.3 | 2011.11.15


كبار الشخصيات
MdPlug v.3.3 | 2011.11.15

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mdPlug is a 'MultiDec compatible plugin', it was tested with :

(ProgDVB 4.80.5, ALT-DVB, DVB-Dream, MyTheatre)
this version will help you decrypt channels using BISS, CW, DCW, CCW keys.
also decrypting ECM with vModules but you must install (libeay32.dll, libssl32.dll)
files to WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory in order to use ECM decryption.
and (*.mdl modules files must be in 'vModules' folder of mdPlug directory)

You can also copy the mdPlug.dll files to same directory as your vPlug
and uses the modules as shared, it was tested and works!
vModules can be updated time to time, so try to use recent modules!
* try to use mdPlug alone or decativate it while you use other plugins
like vPlug to prevent freezing of your DVB-Player.


What's In this version:

- Adding the indentification of some missing systems
- Minor Fixes


mdPlug v.3.3
: من هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا


mdPlug v.3.3
: من هنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا
