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HispaDVB 2.0 Alpha 14
[COLOR=black]Here we have the new alpha version of HispaDVB. The main (and really big) change is the use of a database to deal with channel list, favorites, transponders, satellites and know services. This allows us to reduce memmory allocation for those users that have really big channel lists. Obviously the old channel editors now doesn't work, but please have a look at the internall channel editor it has almost all you need. And if you need something more please let us know.
If you want to import your previous LstCanales.ini you can do it in the Channels menu (Import previous channel list). Now you can add transponders to a satellite without rebooting HispaDVB, just have a look at the new dialog "Edit transponder database". In that dialog you must select a satellite and add a single transponder by hand, delete a selected transponder, change the name of a group of satellites, add a new satellite, import the transponders provided by a transponder.ini file (like those provided by JoshyFun), and even delete a whole satellite.
There's also a change related to the terrestrial section, there's no more country/repeater distribution. Now you must create a bouquet (Configuration-> Edit bouquets) for the terrestrial muxes that you receive in your area, otherwise you will get the whole VHF+UHF channels.
Finally take in mind that many files are no longer necessary so they're not included in this distribution of HispaDVB.
Both Spanish and English language files have been updated as far as we noticed, and many untranslated widgets and messages now can be translated in your languange.
Future releases will try to improve BDA modules and DirectShow multi. As allways feedback is appreciated.[/COLOR]