New Version, Release date: 16/06/2011
- V 3.0.0 Beta – First Version. Feature:
1- This version using the original hadu.ini.
2- Can set\change hadu setting (more Features will add soon).
3- User can enter unlimited clines.
4- Choose server name for every cline.
5- Can fill all fields automatically (with new fixes).
5-1 You can copy and paste cline at host ****box and program will fill other parameters.
5-2 Now in this version you can copy cline with C: or with out it.
Note: it should have a space character between every part. (C: Host Port Username Password) it doesn't important copy no {0:0:3} or don’t… program will detect them automatically.
6- Program remember Hadu.ini path, use host name, show/editing mode and settings.
7- Compatible with Hadu v 0.127
Tested on Win Xp and Seven.
I recommended using original hadu.ini file that I put that in zip file.
This is the first version and it's beta so please tell me any bug or any idea here
- V 3.0.0 Beta – First Version. Feature:
1- This version using the original hadu.ini.
2- Can set\change hadu setting (more Features will add soon).
3- User can enter unlimited clines.
4- Choose server name for every cline.
5- Can fill all fields automatically (with new fixes).
5-1 You can copy and paste cline at host ****box and program will fill other parameters.
5-2 Now in this version you can copy cline with C: or with out it.
Note: it should have a space character between every part. (C: Host Port Username Password) it doesn't important copy no {0:0:3} or don’t… program will detect them automatically.
6- Program remember Hadu.ini path, use host name, show/editing mode and settings.
7- Compatible with Hadu v 0.127
Tested on Win Xp and Seven.
I recommended using original hadu.ini file that I put that in zip file.
This is the first version and it's beta so please tell me any bug or any idea here