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Broken Sword 3 - Sleeping Dragon


ستار جديد

"broken sword 3. Sleeping dragon "- localized by firm" yS "the version of game from company Runtime Revolution. Congo. Located in the very heart of equatorial Africa country, fanned by the secrets of distant wanderings. Specifically, here, in the Congo, brought the fate of beginning jurist George Stobbarta, one of clients of which wished to patent its invention - the inexhaustible energy source. Paris. Mysterious subject, who was presented by hacker, tells no strange history to the specializing herself in the sensational investigations woman journalist about the interpretation of ancient manuscript and the detection of the reasons for the increased in frequency natural cataclysms. The aircraft Of stobbarta suffers wreck in the jungle. The scientist, for the purpose of the visit of laboratory of whom George arrived in the Congo - was dead. That arrived to the encounter with the hacker no occurs first by the witness of murder, and then - and accused in this matter. The chain of those not connected, it would seem, between themselves events, locked... "broken sword 3. Sleeping dragon "- new adventure game, the continuation of legendary Quests" Broken Sword "and" Broken Sword 2". You awaits surprising adventure in the company of old familiar - American jurist George Stobbarta and his beauty- friend, French woman journalist it is no. Splendid 3D of graph and the staggering sound harmoniously supplement original, intriguing, saturated with unique puzzles and unexpected turnings, the complete of secrets and riddles subject


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