مشرف سابق

نسخه الاكس بى الاصلية بتحديثات شهر
اغسطس 2013
Windows XP Professional SP3
Integrated August 2013 SATA

نسخه الاكس بي الاصلية بتعريفات الساتا
لشهر اغسطس 2013
Windows XP professional Sp3
Integrated August 2013SATA
* النسخة اصلية وخام ولم يتم اي تعديل عليها
* النسخة بها تحديثات ميكروسوفت حتى 15-08-2013
* تم ترقية الانترنت اكسبلورور الى الاصدار 8
وادوب فلاش بلير 11.6 واضافة تعريفات الساتا فقط
* النسخه خفيفه جداً وسريعه جداً
* النسخه مفعلة بسيريال اصلي ولاتحتاج الى سيريلات او كراكات
* النسخه تقبل التحديثات من ميكروسوفت
A copy of XP updates May 2013
Windows XP Professional SP3 Updated August 2013
version contains updates and security patches
version is original and accept updates from Microsoft
with the addition of other definitions of SATA and IE VIII

[LEFT][B][COLOR=Red]This is the original
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3
[/B] [B]ISO from Microsoft.
[/B] [B]Including Microsoft [COLOR=Red]updates [COLOR=Navy]15-08-2013[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]Internet Explorer 8 and Adobe Flash Player 11.6 and SATA drivers[/COLOR][/B] [B]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]This release is the best you could find on the net
because it's just simple[/COLOR][/B] [B]
* NO tweaks or add-ons.
[/B] [B]* NO additional programs and software added.
[/B] [B]* NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
[/B] [B]* NO serial needed during installation, the key is already inserted.
[/B] [B]* It's just the original image from Microsoft except updates,
[/B] [B]IE8 and SATA drivers!
[/B] [B]* Windows Messenger, MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer 6 were
[/B] [B]removed.
[COLOR=Red]System requirements[/COLOR][/B] [B]
Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster
[/B] [B](300 MHz is recommended).
[/B] [B]At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM
[/B] [B](128 MB is recommended).
[/B] [B]At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available
[/B] [B]space on the hard disk .
[/B] [B]Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA
[/B] [B](800 x 600) or higher resolution
[COLOR=Red]Hashes of ISO file[/COLOR]
CRC32: 2F8089C0
MD5: 5ADA78145B029794ECB3D8817A3CA9B7
SHA-1: F7704B4D3CC5E3F0FD86181F9854C051676E2EB1
[/B] [/LEFT]
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