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ستار دي في بي | StarDVB

أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

معا نتحدى الفيفا و نرشح ابو تريكة


ستار جديد
معا نتحدى الفيفا و نرشح ابو تريكة


طبعا كلنا شوفنا توزيع جوائز كأس العالم للاندية و تعجبنا من الفائزين بال3 مراكز فى جائزة احسن لاعب ان مفيهومشى ابو تريكة ولا فلافيو و الى خدها deco اللى مشوفناهوش خالص غير و هو بيستلم الجايزة فعلا حاجة تزعل و قمة العنصرية من جوزيف بلاتر و شركة تويوتا و عشان كدة انا جيبتلكو ايميلات للفيفا تبعتولهم من على الايميل على طول النص دة

Dear all FIFA members,
I first wanna thank you so much for organizing the great championship of "FIFA Club world cup"
You exerted good efforts to put that championship on the top of the international football events
We also wanna thank Japan and Toyota for the great organization
Blame you too much for your so apparent RACISM
and UNFAIR choices.
You have no rules in choosing the best player in the championship
Your rule wasn't how much the player played best or how much he was so effective with his team......
your only Rule was who is the sponsour supporting your choice....
if you have FAIR rules
your choices would include ABU TREKA (The top scorer of your championship)
as one of the best 3 players
and also would include FLAVIO who is the second top scorer also in your championship
or at least you would have to award them as being the top scorer and you would have to give them both the Golden and the Silver Boot
You did nothing of this
you choose Ronaldinho who didn't appear as we all expected from him.... he was much more lower than usual.... But you choose him because he's not Egyptian or Arabic
you also Choose Deco who couldn't help his team to win....
You as an organization have lost much of your honesty here in the Arab world and Africa
We all didn't believe what you've done today...
we all BLAME you
if you watched the arabic and Egyptian and even the fair international media, you would see and recognize what you've doneand how much they all blame you..
And finally.....
I wanna tell you all that Abo Treka is the best And Flavio is the second
You are UNFAIR.....
It's totaly RACISM

و ادى الايميلات


و الطريقة من على الياهو سهلة جدا
هتخش على الyahoo mail بتاعك عادى وتدوس فوق على الشمال على كلمة compse و تكتب اى ايميل من دول فوق و تحتيهافى الsubject هتكتب abu trieka و تاخد نص الرسالة اللى فوق كوبى و بيست فى المكان اللى المفروض تكتب فية الرسالة يا ريت كلة يشترك و يقول لزمايلة الاهلاوية و المصريين و العرب يبعتوا كلهم
معا نتحدى العنصرية