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حشائش موسيقية : Love Is All Around

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.


كبار الشخصيات
من زمان , بالتسعينات , أيام ما كنت الـ MTV بتطلع ببلاش و كان يطلع فيها Bives and Buthead :d
كان في كتير أغاني حلوة تطلع , شي نمطه Eurodance و شي Pop و شي Hardcore و شي Hip hop و مشكل ..

عانن على بلاي كم غنية من هديك الحقبة , رح اسردهن بهالقسم عبر سلسلة مواضيع ( حشائش موسيقية ) .. thumb:

اول وحدة :

Love Is All Around بيغنيها واحد اسمها Dj Bobo


طولها 5 دقايق , حجمها 3 و نص ميغا , صيغتها mp3
بيجوز الصوت مو كتير ظريف أول كم ثانية لاني مسجلها من الـ stream .

للاستماع او التحميل :

Love Is All Around - Dj Bobo

Love is all around, love is all
around, love is all around.
Love is all around, everywhere you
look; love is all around!
See it in the eyes of a mother and her child,
See it in the eyes of a friend;
Love is all around, love is all
around, love is all around!

Rap 1 :

My heart's starts boom, my arms feels weak,
My head is exploding everyday of the week,
I can't eat, I can't sleep,
'cause your body's so sweet,
Put your hand to my heart, then you feel the beat,
You're the wonderful girl with that sexual healing,
When I hold your hand, then I get this feeling,
You're the only one; feel so proud,
Sweet, sweet girl, your love is all around.

Rap 2:

I'm dancing and I feel like flying,
Then I see this girl, she is crying,
I take her in my arms; it's like a dream,
The most beautiful girl in the world, that I've seen,
Look up to me; I see it in your eyes:
The moment of truth, no more lies,
It's love, love at the first sight,
Like heaven on earth; it's shining bright!!!

Rap 3 :

My heart's starts boom, my arms feels weak,
My head is exploding everyday of the week,
I can't eat, I can't sleep,
'cause your body's so sweet,
Put your hand to my heart, then you feel the beat,
You're the wonderful girl with that sexual healing,
When I hold your hand, then I get this feeling,
You're the only one; feel so proud,
Sweet, sweet girl, your love is all around.
الكلمات من هون

إلى اللقاء في حلقة قادمة ..
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.