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جديد DVB Dream : v1.7 بتاريخ 17/11/2011

slimani yanis

ستار جديد
v1.7 (05.11.2011) What's New
•Unicable support added (works only on TBS cards for now)
•CI/CAM support for AverMedia (not tested, please confirm)
•Support for NetUP devices (Diseqc & CI, not tested)
•BDA device error code:14 bug fixed which happens on some devices
•Initial installation dialog supports more languages now (Turkish,Greek,Chinese,Arabic,Ukranian,Farsi...)
•A few bugs in scheduler fixed
•Arabic epg bug fix
•Snapshot crash bug fixed
•LNB Power Off/On support added (in File menu, works only on TBS and Compro devices for now)
•EPG support option added for Israel cable provider HOT.
•* If you encounter any problem with EPG text charset, you should pick the correct EPG code page instead of "auto"
•* BDA Device options now provides different methods for diseqc (Main Menu->Options->Device Options)
•* For unicable, you should select the LNB type as unicable while adding satellites in diseqc dialog
•* Unicable and LNB Power Off/On is not supported on all devices. It should work fine on TBS cards with new drivers (these new drivers should be released by TBS in next few days)
•* If you are still having problem with diseqc on AverMedia devices, please report. You just need to download latest aver media drivers.
•* Kaspersky Antivirus is not recommended since it could be the culprit responsible for des.dll errors due to some false virus alarms / heuristic scan.

Download DvbDream v1.7



كبار الشخصيات
اشكرك اخي الغالي ... جاري التحميل
نجد في هذا الاصدار العديد من الfixes وذلك بعد ملل العديد من مقتني هذا البرنامج وخصوصا ان البرنامج مدفوع الثمن لذلك فالشركة تحب ان ترضي جميع العملاء
برأيي المتواضع لم تحدث طفرة واضحة بالبرمنامج منذ الاصدار 1.5 جميع التحديثات عبارة عن اصلاح للمشاكل .... في كل الاحوال دعونا نتمتع بالبرنامج ... وطبعا بالنتظار اخونا محمد
