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باتش البرو 2012 الاصدار الاول ------> PESEdit 2012 Patch 1.0 <-------


كبار الشخصيات
الاصدار الاول من باتش PES2012 الذي يصدره فريق PesEdit.com

يقوم الباتش بتعديل اسماء اللاعبين و اطقم و شعارات الفرق و امور اخرى غيرها

صور من الباتش

PESEdit 2012 Patch 1.0 Features:
* Correct emblems, kits, map locations, goal net styles, team ranks, for all teams in the game
(Clubs and National)
* Correct player names for unlicensed national teams
* Complete Bundesliga including correct squads, kits, lineups, emblems, map locations;
All players with correct stats, appearence and boots
* Corrected league structure (Bundesliga, corrected Champions League)
* Disabled blur in gameplay
* New sound.

NOTE Transfers are default because there will be a DLC by KONAMI soon to update it and
not even we like double work.

NOTE2 This patch is not compatible with KONAMI’s 1.01 update, so do not install it after installing the patch. (If it is installed already and install the patch it will overwrite it)

طريقة التنصيب

1. Delete the folder “kitserver” from the PES 2012 main directory and also delete the start menu folder “PESEdit 2012 Patch” – skip this if this is the first time you install PESEdit 2012 Patch.
2. Install the patch using install.exe, make sure to choose the directory you installed PES 2012 to.
3. Start the game via pes2012.exe / start menu folder “PESEdit 2012 Patch” / PESEDIT SELECTOR





كبار الشخصيات
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