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أهلاً وسهلاً بك من جديد في ستار دي في بي StarDVB. تم في الاونة الاخيرة تطوير وتخصيص الموقع ليشمل IPTV و SMART TV بشكل أوسع من السابق. إذا كنت مسجل سابقا يمكنك الدخول باسم المستخدم السابق نفسه، وإن كنت غير مسجل مسبقاً، يمكنك التسجيل الان. نرحب بمشاركاتك واقتراحاتك في أي وقت، نتمنى لك وقتاً ممتعاً معنا.

اصدار جديد Mediaportal 0.2.0


كبار الشخصيات
اصدار جديد من هذا البرنامج Mediaportal 0.2.0

وهذا تعليق المبرمج عن هذا الاصدار :

Well we thought it was about time we released, don't you think?
Unfortunately not all major bugs could have been squashed to our likeing
but I'm sure you'll agree this release will be very stable and satisfactory to most.

To be honest - it's been so long since we did a feature list I have forgotten what half of the improvements were. One major feature we wanted to have done for didn't make it which was moving away from DVR-MS recording however master Frodo is working diligently on a new TV engine as we speak and things are progressing well.

Special thanks go out to some new developers that have joined the team recently. Broceliande in particular has done some great work on improving zapping times and getting rid of that nasty 'no signal error'.

I hope you enjoy the release - it's been a long time coming.

SVN users: Expect some major changes is the next few weeks and the development team bombarding SVN with new code and nasty bugs :)
Please don't ask when what feature will come in, we can't tell you as we all do this in our spare time.

وصلة التحميل
