مستشار المنتدى
من هنا . ووضعت اللينك ليس مباشر لكي تختار ما تريد وتعرف الجديد عن الاصدار ولمحة عن البرنامج
والجديد فيه
10 Mar 2005 - MyTheatre v3.25.1
- hotfix: all BDA cards recognized as DVB-S (introduced in v3.25)
- hotfix: no video in IVR modes in 16bit color mode (introduced in v3.25)
- upd: DXVA can be switched off now
- upd: direct show filter properties now display pin properties as well.
- other minor fixes.
والجديد فيه
10 Mar 2005 - MyTheatre v3.25.1
- hotfix: all BDA cards recognized as DVB-S (introduced in v3.25)
- hotfix: no video in IVR modes in 16bit color mode (introduced in v3.25)
- upd: DXVA can be switched off now
- upd: direct show filter properties now display pin properties as well.
- other minor fixes.
التعديل الأخير: