مستشار المنتدى
تحديث اخر للبرنامج اليوم 15-9 وفيه
Alternative SDK devices for Twinhan & B2C2
- File device (for raw transponder TS files)
- Update details on scan results window
- Several bug fixes (reported by Eurekalog)
* Alternative devices have been written using manufacturer's documentation
* If you don't have problems with "Direct" devices, normally it is not
recommended to use SDK devices. SDK devices have been added just to
guarantee the compatibility. "Direct" devices will work faster since
they use the card driver directly.
Alternative SDK devices for Twinhan & B2C2
- File device (for raw transponder TS files)
- Update details on scan results window
- Several bug fixes (reported by Eurekalog)
* Alternative devices have been written using manufacturer's documentation
* If you don't have problems with "Direct" devices, normally it is not
recommended to use SDK devices. SDK devices have been added just to
guarantee the compatibility. "Direct" devices will work faster since
they use the card driver directly.