اذا كنت من مستخدمي Windows 7 الجديد ما عليك سوا الحصول على هذا البرنامج فهو سيقوم بحل واصلاح وانهاء كل مشاكلك في الكمبيوتر واقصد في نظام التشغيل Windows 7
حيث سيقوم بمسح والغاء واصلاح اي اخطاء في مكتب التسجيل
او اي مشاكل ورسائل الخطاء التي قد تسبب البطىء في الكمبيوتر
البرنامج يحتوي على مائات الاضافات والادوات المتخصصه في هذا المجال
ويعتبر اول برنامج مختص في النظام
7Tweak Pro v1.9.1 - Program for cleaning, tuning and optimization of the operating system Windows 7. With 7tweak can be cleaned and back up the registry, search for and delete obsolete and unnecessary files and clean the lists of last used files in various system and user applications, defragment drives. There is the ability to configure different security settings of the system, including options for the User Account Control (User Account Control) and e-mail program Windows Mail. In addition, the program has a section to enable / disable visual effects, detailed settings of all elements of the Start menu, and select the size of second-level cache processor and the number of allocated system memory.
7Tweak is the only tuning software for Windows 7 with the right suite of tools:
- Intelligent Disk Cleaner and Safe Defragmentation tool.
- Smart hard hrives monitoring capability.
- Regitry Backup/Restore, Intelligent RegCleaner and Registry Safe Defragmenter.
- Security Tweaks: Firewall, IE, Windows Update and many other.
- Optimization tools: Autorun Manager, StartUp Manager, Cache and Visual Effects tweaks
- Outlook Mail Tweaks
- Start Menu Tweaks
- Media Player Tweaks
- Control Panel Tweaks
- Internet Explorer
and many other tweaks
حجم البرنامج (7) ميجا
مرفق الكراك مع البرنامج
حيث سيقوم بمسح والغاء واصلاح اي اخطاء في مكتب التسجيل
او اي مشاكل ورسائل الخطاء التي قد تسبب البطىء في الكمبيوتر
البرنامج يحتوي على مائات الاضافات والادوات المتخصصه في هذا المجال
ويعتبر اول برنامج مختص في النظام
7Tweak Pro v1.9.1 - Program for cleaning, tuning and optimization of the operating system Windows 7. With 7tweak can be cleaned and back up the registry, search for and delete obsolete and unnecessary files and clean the lists of last used files in various system and user applications, defragment drives. There is the ability to configure different security settings of the system, including options for the User Account Control (User Account Control) and e-mail program Windows Mail. In addition, the program has a section to enable / disable visual effects, detailed settings of all elements of the Start menu, and select the size of second-level cache processor and the number of allocated system memory.
7Tweak is the only tuning software for Windows 7 with the right suite of tools:
- Intelligent Disk Cleaner and Safe Defragmentation tool.
- Smart hard hrives monitoring capability.
- Regitry Backup/Restore, Intelligent RegCleaner and Registry Safe Defragmenter.
- Security Tweaks: Firewall, IE, Windows Update and many other.
- Optimization tools: Autorun Manager, StartUp Manager, Cache and Visual Effects tweaks
- Outlook Mail Tweaks
- Start Menu Tweaks
- Media Player Tweaks
- Control Panel Tweaks
- Internet Explorer
and many other tweaks

حجم البرنامج (7) ميجا
مرفق الكراك مع البرنامج